Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I'm not okay.


一閃一閃亮晶晶 留下歲月的痕跡
我的世界的重心 依然還是你
一年一年又一年 飛逝僅在一轉眼
唯一永遠不改變 是不停的改變
我不像從前的自己 你也有點不像你
但在我眼中你的笑 依然的美麗
日子只能往前走 一個方向順時鐘
不知道愛有多久 所以要讓你懂
我依然愛你 將是唯一的退路
我依然珍惜 時時刻刻的幸福
你每個呼吸 每個動作 每個表情
到最後 一定會 依然愛你
(依然愛你 依然愛你…)
我不像從前的自己 你也有點不像你
但在我眼中你的笑 依然的美麗
日子只能往前走 一個方向順時鐘
不知道愛有多久 所以要讓你懂
我依然愛你 就是唯一的退路
我依然珍惜 時時刻刻的幸福
你每個呼吸 每個動作 每個表情
到最後 一定會 依然愛你
(依然愛你 依然愛你…)
我依然愛你 或許是命中注定
多年之後 任何人都無法代替
那些時光 是我這一輩子最美好的
那些回憶 依然無法忘記
我依然愛你 這是唯一的退路
我依然珍惜 時時刻刻的幸福
你每個呼吸 每個動作 每個表情
到永遠 一定會 依然愛你


I feel like crap. About him. I don't get how he could just do that and leave. Leave and not look back. Is it my fault or is there something really wrong with me? Like seriously. They say the tighter you hold on to somebody, the faster they leave you. Maybe. :/ I'm tired of feeling like this.  I guess happiness isn't mine to endure now. I really don't know anymore. You just left. Just like that. I wasn't wrong. I was right. I thought about it before but I told myself : He'll never do that to me. Hmph. Guess i thought wrong. I just feel like crap. Fucking crap. For few months now, nothing can make me forget about the pain. I tried. I just cant. It ain't that simple, well at least for me. I thought friends, family, work, dance would keep my heart away from you, but it didn't. I need to stop thinking about you. Somebody help me. SOS.

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