Another day, another post. Unfortunately yours truly's mood today wasn't that good after all. Went to school record video and dicuss a couple of things for a teacher. Most of the people there didn't even aprreciate what we were doing, they just play all that time! Tell me it doesn't piss you off? They just pressed their cells the whole time. Urgh, I rushed home to go to rehearsal for 30th. But, the rehearsal only started at 3pm! Yeah, that really killed my patience. Luckily, dearest huihui was there with me <3 And there was a really annoying, loud, bossy anutie there. Oh my gosh, huihui just staright called her bitch haha. I'm telling you, she's something but normal. LOL. And double sad face, he's in bad mood today. :/ it affected me also damn. Anyways, have a goodnight! ♥
:Am I doing the right thing? Lord, please guide me.