Sunday, October 24, 2010


Life's isn't always my own game, my rules.
I'm just a player in life just like everybody else is :)
When we get knocked out by other players, there's nothing to say or do.
In life, all human beings have a weapon, it's our mouth.
In games, we just type. In life, we talk.
False crtisms are called rumors or whatever they call it. Haa.
Wheather it's true or false, everyone talks.
There no need to respond to their yappings :)
Although most people will believe rumors, you know who's right.
That's the thing about rumors, they spread & people talk!
We just have to stand up and forget the past.
You can always start a new day, there's 24 hours a day :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ni neh ah.

这些都是你自己找的, 我说过了你不听.
你应该知道你自己是谁, 不要自作多情!
你认为你那样, 大家会可怜你, 会弄我觉得对不起.
我已说过, 不要再烦我了, 难道你不会听华语嘛? 要我讲orangulu的语言哈?
你说你了解我了, 因为我们认识很多年了.
请你想清楚真像. 谢谢!

Oh do you like the photo above?
My sister edited it for me :) Nice huh?
I love it tooo <3

Friday, October 22, 2010

These things are my priorities :) 
A song for you, 

I don't care-2n1e :) 
Super duper nice.
I don't care eh eh eh eh eh :D

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I don't know wheather to be celebrating or stressing at this point :/ Okay, the deal is I'd just finished periodic3 exams. Yes, it's a defenite relief but at the same time, the creeping thoughts of the semester2 exams is running through my fullofcrap & notabletomemorize brain -.- LOL I blame the dead brain cells & tech scientist invent in this world :D HAHAHAHA! 1) I leave my cell on every night. It is my husband! Thus, the brain cells do die. 2) Facebook and my cell is two major distraction! Phfff. *which I find funny because just after my exams, the internet on my cell is bot usable! I was grining saying : Why haven't you done this before the exams started you stupid phone!* Btw, my phone is not really stupid, I think it's my fault its stupid thou. As I wrote earlier, it=my phone, is my husband. It does not leave my side, or rather hands? :) I bring it to the toilet when I pee, poop, baths etc you name it! :) For that reason, I think the amount of water in my phone might be 7/10 :/ My bad? But I still love it sooooooooooooooooo much, hah. But I'm aiming for a new one, W995 :) I wish I knew more friends lately, I have no idea why. Okay, I'm done here :) heh.
 Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

Saturday, October 16, 2010

16.1o.2o1o ♥

Taken on the way to tuition :)
Edited by mei tv xiu xiu. HEE
Nice or not? Gimme comments.
I don't know why I blog lately, nobody looks at it anyways :/
I guess I talking to myself? Yeah yeah, that's it.
I'm excited cause I'm meeting my cousins tomorrow afternoon.
We haven't meet in like forever.
Btw, that's because they are like 3 times my age & they live KL ow wherever.
Oh if any of you peeps are reading this, puh-leaseeee text me! :/
I really really really really really bored.
There you go, 5 really's :D
At last, caoooo peeps!
Have a good night :).

Friday, October 15, 2010

Read this with ur patience please :)

记 住:他和你玩暧昧,就是不够喜欢你。男人真喜欢一个人,从眼睛就能看出来,他恨不得栓着你,怎么会忽冷忽热、忽进忽退?是,喜欢肯定有,总要他看着你顺眼 才和你暧昧。所以,对暧昧你的男人一定不要多情,就算他常常拉你出来、天天短信、电话。就算抱过、亲过,也依然不代表什么,什么都不是。不要相信这种男人 说的好话。
人 都有惯性,比如一个人天天9点打电话给你,2个星期之后不打了,你肯定难受。这就是很正常的一个心理作用。所以,当你习惯了他天天绕在你周围,突然他又远 离你的时候,你不甘心了吧,开始惦记他了吧。别相信你就真的那么喜欢他了,这只是一个惯性作用而已。别多想他,自己该干嘛干嘛,过几天习惯了就又没事了。 然后他又热情起来了怎么办呢?你要是还没看透,还要入套我也没办法了。
好好的爱一个人多好呀!别干这缺德事。经上所述:我觉得,女人,真的不要自作多情,男人真的爱你又怎么会对你不负呢?真的爱你怎么会伤害你让你难过?真的爱你怎么不会好好疼你?别玩暧昧, 暧昧不是女人能玩得起的, 别一时冲昏了头,让自己后悔!
一 路走来,遇到过许多的人,碰到过许多的事,是好是坏的也罢,在不知不觉间都成了过去。最近看到了许多人遇到的许多事,突然地想对所有人说,要对自己坦白, 对身边的人多关怀,别让深爱你的人受伤害,因为许多人错过了就永远错过了,许多幸福溜走了就不会再来。如果每个人都能在失去前学会珍惜,就会少了很多遗 憾!
这 个社会太精彩了,人的精神也很容易越轨,想对某些不小心精神移位的人说:当某一天,你觉得某一个与你在路上擦肩而过的他、她比你现在拥有的他、她更让你心 动,快敲敲自己的脑袋,这个世界上再美的人都有,你能爱上几个?你能真的把他、她带回家吗?如果不能,可别忘了回家的路!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Test, test, test.

Despite the numerous coming at me, I won't be updating for awhile :)
Really need sleep really bad! Due to studying at the last minute,
I've been staying up late, very late to study just a lil.
Sighs? Hmphhhh ))):

Saturday, October 9, 2010

,无人分享 :')

也许你太无聊, 单单地想玩玩罢了,
她一辈子都记住, 她一生中就有那个遗憾了.
女人, 是你的情人, 你的朋友, 你的另一半都好, 不要不遵守承诺:)

女人, 当她们会主动找你的时候,
不是因为她们暗恋你, 想念你太久了,
是因为想要你的注意, 想要你的关心

::I can't promise to solve all your problems but I can only promise I'll never let you face it alone ;)

Monday, October 4, 2010


I pray for my friends who needs it.
I pray for my family who's having hard times.
I pray for the world to be peaceful.
I pray for myself to have the strength to live through each day :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Copy & Paste :D

Meaningful post :')

How would it be? Loving someone so deeply until you've gone mad
Perhaps, you'll never know
Because, I'm the one who loving you deeply madly crazy
I know I love you more than you do
I also aware that I shouldn't care about a person so much
But, its beyond my control, I couldn't stop it...
Everyday when I woke up, the first thing is not get to the bathroom
But, to check if you have sent me any message
If there is, I'll reply you immediately
If there is none, I'll send a morning greeting to you , even you wont read it...
As much as I breathe, I think about you
As long as I still breathing, you'll never get out of my mind
There are pains, loneliness, happy moments and also worries
You'll never know how lonely is a heart when it keeps thinking bout you.
Unrealized, I always write your name on a piece of paper
Unrealized, the paper is filled with your names now
Looking at those overfilled names of yours, thinking about you
I realized this is meaningless, but I couldn't stop my thought about you
Sitting in front of computer, browsing through your blogs and your recent activities
Looking at your friends recent news, trying to search for anything related to you
Although I've read through them million times, but I still browsing through them
Doing so doesn't mean I could understand you better
But at least, I get to know what happened to you lately...
Loved you so much, I've confused whether I'm still loving you too much or I'm afraid to lose you
I know that you will never love me as deep as I do
But I still believe in you, hoping that I will be floated with your loves one day
If, there is such a person who cares you too much, till you'd get annoyed of it
If, there is such a person who greets you too much, till you'd feel strainted of it
If, there is such a person who being so nice to you, till you'd feel uncomfortably of it
Then, please, appreciate such a person
You can choose not to love this person, but don't ever hurt this person too,
Maybe this person is not the one you love the most, but certainly this person loves you the most
This person treats you the best they could, with a pure heart.
Nothing is wrong within themselves, it just that, they have used a wrong way to express their love to you...

Saturday, October 2, 2010


 昨天晚上超超迟睡觉的耶, 要3点了才睡着~
I suddenly realise typing chinese is soooo troublesom. HAAA.
So I still use back englishhhh :D *My fave subject uhh!
I had a fun day at maths tuition today,
is all because of those sohai boys! :)
And of course Bethany Ling!
I was bored till I almost fell asleep but they were too dumb! HAHA.
That's Mr.Mun Jun & Mr.Ren Jiet :)
 I dint get the chance to capture Mr.Jeery Wong & Mr. Ah Yang
Yes Mr. Ren Jiet? :D
The caption is GAY! 
Oh well, they've made my day! :))) 
Good luck to all form3 students :)!