Friday, December 17, 2010


Hello peeps! Obviously I'm talking to myself here but let's not kill this moment for me yea? ;)
Today I'm gonna write a post in Mandarin. But before that, Ahems, can I have you're attention?
Yes, we often say I speak chinese and what so ever.
But I found out the correct way was to say MANDARIN! Who knew right?
Okay okay, posting time! Do read it, I insist. 

人因此自动把自己给了别人, 是因为想要拥有被爱的感觉.
当然, 不知道的人就不会了解.
有时候, 你远远看这你爱的人, 你会对自己说: 我有机会.
但事实是, 不! ;)
 你曾经先付出过真心吧? 也许就是这样.
谁先付出, 谁先输.
因为我们常常把心思放在他人的身上, 可是当他离开的那一刻,
而你没有他而脆弱的那一刻, 你已经爱上他了.
今天老娘不想说那么多, 这几天真的真的真的没有mood.

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