Friday, December 10, 2010


People change whether you want it to or not.
 Heck, I change!

I have not updated my blog for a few days now, I have no idea what to blog about really! There's nothing interesting to write about these days, its sooo fucking bored. Ugrhhhh, holidays are really getting to my nerves. I can hardly a place to work at because of my age, yeah. I'm huge in size but when they see my age, the answer is a big fat no, so whatever right? I've got no choice then to stay home everyday, I cant go out so eff this. All I do is sleep till noon, eat, watch tv & online. Now tell me, what kind of holidays is this? :/ Thus, my phone is super quite nowdays, ;O gosh I need to text lah! My finger muscles cant handle it without texting, HAHAHAHA.

Oh, I watched Narnia yesterday ;O
It didnt really filled up to my expectations thou, kinda dissapointed :/
But it's nice to watch at least ;)

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