Friday, December 3, 2010

Movieee today.

 You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have. (Afred's status.)  

I'm gonna write about my day! ;)
I guess today was kinda great considering how my normal days were right?
I woke up around 8.30 ate breakfast then back to sleep, heh.
Woke up again around 11.30 then ate lunch (real fast)
*Cos I was rushed by my dad.
We sent my sisy to work then headed to Boulevard.
Then went home,
 received text & calls from abby asking wheather I wanna go out?
stupid question right? haaah, i was bored to death at home.
at the last minute, I asked daddy.
and to my suprise, he said: if you want, you go la. 
Then he asked: You have money? I was thinking I should've said no?
About 1pm, piggy came to fetch me.
When I got down to return the pass, the security asked a funny question?
He asked me: Rumah kamu ada penyanyi kan? itu 118?
I was like :/ uhh, nope! Tak ade lah.
 I was thinking he probably meant me? *Perasan, haha because I always sing in the bathroom, you know loudly.
I texted my sapo on the way, CSC ;)
she was going too with GRA.
So went to 2020 to fetch adrian.
Arrived at Parkson, met up with them. Took pictures.
The 1`st one was taken in the cinema during blackout.

Goodbye peeps!

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