Saturday, December 17, 2011

Countdown to 2012.

Yes. I'm like eager for 2012 to come. I want it come sooner. I need it to come sooner. New year new resolution? Yeah, that's why. I need new resolutions. Urgh. I'm puzzled. I feel sad but not sad. I feel strong enough to face him but not really. I feel happy but not happy. I don't know! All I want is to not worry about this thing anymore. It shouldn't be mine to worry! It's just isn't fair, somehow. I'm not over it, and I don't think I wanna be over it. That's the problem. I don't know why I have to go through this over and over again. I just wished I wasn't the one who has to go through this. But I'm coping. In every possible way I can. I'm trying not to think about you. Life takes it's toll by throwing dices at me, and all I can do is breathe. :) Take it in one step at a time and try not to break down. But ladies! Not knowing anything bout that someone is better than  knowing anything about that someone. Remember this i tell you! Til now, I still cant find that place where I could pore all my feelings to. Til now, all that anger, that frustration has never been let out. I can't. Forget.


I know you're there. You give me strength to face each road block. :)

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